Elton John - Poor Cow
Poor Cow
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Видео к песне Elton John - Poor Cow

Текст песни Elton John - Poor Cow

[00:15.13] There's another one due in three month's time [00:17.01] She'll have to paint the spare room blue [00:22.47] She'll work a little overtime [00:24.39] And hope it all works out for Frank and her [00:29.39] If she can keep him home nights [00:31.99] Away from those factory girls [00:36.93] And the gas bills come and the money burns [00:39.53] And Frank just keeps complaining [00:43.98] How little they both earn [00:45.95] And mother drops by Mondays [00:47.74] Just to nag about the world [00:51.40] Then she stays to nag at Dallas [00:53.19] 'Cause she hates those Texas girls [00:57.42] Poor cow [01:00.28] You'll get your dumb man [01:02.05] You'll see your whole life coming at you [01:04.82] In the back of his hand [01:08.01] Poor cow [01:10.32] It's a monkey see town [01:13.09] You'll walk down the aisle [01:14.77] In the hand me down gown [01:18.36] Of some poor cow [01:22.30] [01:35.14] Oh them rich bitch girls [01:38.17] [02:21.11] Ain't like our lass [02:22.35] Got no spine for labour [02:24.30] Like us working class [02:29.18] Us gamey lot [02:31.06] Still got our pride [02:32.88] We got our health [02:34.74] It's just the truth that's died [02:37.78]
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Elton John - Poor Cow

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