George Michael - Patience (Remastered 2006)
Patience (Remastered 2006)
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Видео к песне George Michael - Patience (Remastered 2006)

Текст песни George Michael - Patience (Remastered 2006)

[00:02.69] It's like a conversation, where no-one stops to breathe [00:12.99] Is it my imagination, or did God already leave the table? [00:25.03] Such destruction, and pure white castles in the sand [00:31.50] No time for introduction [00:39.06] With all that money changing hands [00:44.49] And the satellite says, "Take a look at all we have" [00:55.77] But the old man says, [01:00.19] "You want my family, for your liberty... I can't do that." [01:11.04] Look into the eyes of any patient man [01:23.70] Whether they be amber, green or blue, [01:32.31] There's a piece of God staring back at you [01:39.49] But they see our children, and the old folk fend for themselves [01:46.91] They see our broken women [01:53.22] On imaginary shelves [02:00.10] But the satellite says, "Won't you people look at all we have? [02:11.83] Don't you want it? [02:14.75] Can't you see the things that you lack?" [02:20.40] Children in his arms, he turns his back. [02:44.02]
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George Michael - Patience (Remastered 2006)

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